A Guide to Overcoming Burnout in the Charity Sector

You’re burnt out. Now what?

Well, firstly, you’re not alone. 9 out of 10 charity workers say they have felt stressed, overwhelmed or burnout over the past year.

As an experienced coach with over a decade of experience in the charity sector, I understand the challenges you face, because I’ve been there. I’ve been burnt out and it isn’t funny or clever, it’s truly awful.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve been coaching over 45 charity professionals and the most common challenge brought to sessions? Yes, you guessed it, burnout.

So, in this blog post, I’ll delve into practical strategies and insights that can help you navigate this challenging time and continue your vital work in the charity sector.

  • Boundary-Setting
    Setting clear boundaries is essential to prevent burnout. Learn to say no when necessary and communicate your needs to colleagues and managers. Boundaries protect your time and energy, allowing you to focus on tasks that align with your goals and values.

  • Mastering Time Management
    Effective time management is crucial for preventing burnout. Start by crafting a daily or weekly schedule that allows for focused work, breaks, and time for you. Prioritise tasks based on importance and deadlines, and consider using time-tracking tools to identify areas where you can streamline your workflow.

  • Prioritisation of Tasks
    Not all tasks are created equal. Prioritise your workload by focusing on projects that have the most significant impact. Delegate when possible, and don't hesitate to seek help from colleagues or volunteers to lighten your workload.

  • Harnessing the Value of Coaching
    Coaching cultivates resilience enabling you to navigate the unique challenges of the charity sector with greater adaptability and strength. Consider working with a coach to gain fresh perspectives, set goals, and develop strategies for managing stress and burnout. Coaching can provide invaluable support and guidance to achieve long-term success.

  • Work-Life Balance
    Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a must. Make time for your passions, hobbies, and loved ones. Disconnect from work during your downtime to recharge. Remember, if you are rested and fulfilled are are more productive and therefore will have a better impact.

  • Peer Support
    You're not alone in this journey. Connect with your peers in the charity sector to share experiences and advice. Peer support groups or networks can provide a safe space to discuss challenges, exchange ideas, and offer each other encouragement.

  • Advocacy
    Advocate for well-being within your organisation. Encourage a culture that prioritises mental health and work-life balance. Share insights on burnout prevention (this guide!) with colleagues and leaders and champion initiatives that promote employee well-being.

  • Continuous Learning
    Embrace a growth mindset and commit to continuous learning. Stay updated on best practices in the charity sector, leadership techniques, and self-care strategies. The more you invest in your personal and professional development, the better equipped you'll be to handle the demands of your role.

  • Recognition
    Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Self-recognition and acknowledgement from peers and managers can boost your morale and motivation. Feeling valued and appreciated can go a long way in preventing burnout.


Overcoming burnout in the charity sector is hard, but so worth the effort. By mastering time management, setting boundaries, harnessing the value of coaching, maintaining a work-life balance, and recognising your efforts, you can build resilience and continue your vital work without sacrificing your own well-being.

If you are considering working with a coach to overcome burnout for you and your organisation, click the link below to book a 30-minute video call to discuss how coaching can help.


15 Ways to Create a Healthy Work Culture in the Charity Sector


Case Study: Transforming Burnout into Resilience - A Charity Leader's Story