Case Study: Transforming Burnout into Resilience - A Charity Leader's Story

Meet Sarah

Sarah, a dedicated charity leader with over two decades of experience, had been tirelessly working to further her organisation's mission of supporting families affected by Domestic Abuse. However, the relentlessness of her role had taken a toll on her well-being. The unhealthy working culture within her organisation was pushing her to the brink of burnout. Something needed to change.

The Challenge:

Sarah's organisation was known for its impactful work, but it was coming at a cost. The staff were overworked, boundaries were blurred, and the relentless pursuit of the charity's mission had led to an unhealthy work culture. Burnout was rampant, and Sarah was no exception.

The Coaching:

In 2021, Sarah decided to seek professional support to address these pressing issues. She connected with me, Bethany, an experienced coach with a background in the charity sector. Our coaching journey began with a focus on time management, boundary-setting, and nurturing resilience.

Implementation of Practical Strategies:

  1. Prioritising Priorities:
    We started by identifying the core activities that truly advanced the charity's mission. Sarah learned to prioritise these critical tasks, delegating tasks and responsibilities that didn’t need her personal input to her team. This allowed her to focus on high-impact work and manage her time more effectively.

  2. Mastering the Art of Saying "No":
    Sarah struggled with saying "no" to additional tasks and meetings. Through coaching, she developed assertiveness and learned how to politely decline commitments that didn't align with her priorities. This newfound skill protected her time and energy.

  3. Regular Breaks and Time Blocking:
    To combat the constant fatigue, Sarah adopted the Pomodoro Technique, ensuring she took regular breaks during her workday. Time blocking helped her allocate specific time for meetings, project work, and personal time, creating a balanced routine.

  4. Setting Email Boundaries:
    Sarah’s emails were a constant distraction. We devised strategies for her to set clear email boundaries, such as turning off notifications on her phone and checking her inbox only during dedicated times, thus reducing interruptions and improving concentration.

  5. Weekly Review Routine:
    Sarah incorporated a weekly review routine into her schedule. This allowed her to reflect on her accomplishments, make necessary adjustments, and ensure her efforts were aligned with the charity's and her personal long-term goals.

  6. The Transformation:
    Over the course of our coaching, Sarah transformed from a burnt-out leader into a resilient and effective well-being advocate for her charity. Her organisation underwent a cultural shift towards kindness, well-being, and ultimately sustainability, lowering staff turnover and increasing innovation and impact.

Results Achieved:

  • Healthy Work-Life Balance: Sarah now enjoys a healthier work-life balance, reducing the risk of burnout.

  • Cultivating a Kinder Culture: Through her own example and leadership, Sarah instilled a kinder and more supportive culture within her organisation. Staff well-being became a top priority.

  • Driving the Mission Forward: With improved time management and strategic focus, Sarah has been able to drive her charity's vision and mission forward in a sustainable way.

  • Beneficiary Impact: The beneficiaries of the charity are now better supported, as the organisation's operations are more efficient and effective.

  • Staff Well-being: The well-being of the staff has improved significantly, leading to higher morale and productivity.

Sarah's transformation serves as a powerful testament to the impact of coaching, resilience-building, and implementing practical strategies. Her charity now thrives with a renewed sense of purpose, ensuring that both staff and beneficiaries are supported in the best possible way.

If you are considering working with a coach to overcome burnout for you and your organisation, click the link below to book a 30-minute video call with me to discuss how coaching can help you.

*photography and names changed.


A Guide to Overcoming Burnout in the Charity Sector


How to Navigate the Unpredictability of Funding without Burning Out: A Guide for Charity Professionals