Managing Your Wellbeing as a Working Parent
Being a working parent is not easy. My goodness, understatement of the century!
So, are you looking after yourself? Because that's really important.
(Psst! I am writing this one as much for me as I am for you!)
Here are a few things I’ve found helpful that will hopefully help you to look after yourself while being a working parent:
Be honest with yourself, realise that it is you that is expecting more from you than anyone else.
Accept that doing it all is not always possible, however, planning and delegation of housework and professional work are.
Managing time is critical for working parents – always too much to do and too little time. Pomodoro Timer anyone?
Identify the things you can and can't control, then let the things not in your control go and focus on influencing the things you can.
Learn to say “no”. This is difficult when you want to please others, but it is essential to keep you well.
Create pockets of 'me time'. Work out what energises you. Time with people? Time alone? Adventure? Calm?
Go easy on yourself, try to embrace this season of your life for what it is.
Remember you are doing your best and you are enough.
As I write this, my husband handed me my 6-month-old daughter who then proceeded to throw up all over me. There we have it. Balance.
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