From Family Time to Work Mode: A Guide to Re-establishing Positive Productivity After Time Off with Your Children.

POV: You're a busy parent, you've had half-term off with your children, and now it's time to dive back into work. But with your mind still in family mode, you're finding it hard to reestablish a positive 'work mode'.

As a coach and a busy parent myself (although half-term doesn't apply to my 10-month-old just yet!) I understand the challenges of switching from parent mode to work mode, particularly after having time off work and embracing family time for a while. However, it's crucial for our overall well-being to reestablish a positive 'work mode' to remain productive and focused.

Here are 9 tips that can help:

  1. Plan Ahead:
    As a busy parent, your to-do list may already be long, but it's important to make a list of your top work priorities to ensure you accomplish them. Plan your workday or week ahead of time so that you can make sure you have all the necessary resources and support.

  2. Manage Your Time Effectively:
    Your time is precious, so make sure you use it wisely. Create a schedule for work and family time, and stick to it as much as possible. This will help you feel more in control of your day, and allow you to switch between roles more easily.

  3. Take Advantage of Technology:
    There are many ways to improve productivity and organisation apps that can help busy parents manage their work and family commitments. Use technology to your advantage, such as setting digital to-do lists, reminders for tasks, syncing calendars, and timeblocking.

  4. Allow Yourself Breaks:
    As a parent, it's easy to forget that taking a break is important. Take short breaks throughout the day to recharge your batteries, such as taking a walk, stretching, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee. This can help you stay energised and focused on your work.

  5. Stay Positive and Focused:
    It's easy to feel overwhelmed when trying to balance work and family life, but it's important to focus on the positive aspects of both. Remember why you work and the goals you are trying to achieve, and make sure to celebrate small victories along the way.

  6. Create a Dedicated Workspace:
    If you work from home, create a separate workspace where you can focus on work. This could be a separate room or even just a specific area of your home. By having a designated workspace, it can help you mentally separate work from family time.

  7. Communicate with Colleagues:
    Let your Line Manager, clients, or colleagues know about your situation and how it may affect your work. You may be able to adjust your schedule or workload to accommodate your family commitments.

  8. Delegate and Outsource:
    If possible, delegate tasks at home or work to others. This can help reduce your workload and free up time for you to focus on what's most important. Considering outsourcing your cleaning or getting your food shop delivered can help reduce your stress.

  9. Practice Self-Care:
    We all know how easy it is to neglect ourselves. Make sure to prioritise activities like exercise, meditation, or hobbies. By taking care of yourself, you'll be better equipped to handle the demands of work and family life.

Remember, returning to work and transitioning from family time to work mode can be challenging, but by prioritising, managing your time effectively, taking breaks, and staying positive and focused, you can make the most out of your workday. Good luck!

Click the link below to book a 30-minute call with me to discuss how coaching could help you to create a positive balance between parent mode and work mode!


Master the Art of Focus: A Guide to Staying Present and Productive While Working from Home


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