Avoid Burn-Out By Understanding What Energises You.
What energises you?
When you truly understand what energises you it can provide both clarity and focus. It can ensure that you don't run on empty and that you know how to recharge yourself when you recognise the need. It can ensure you have a role that is made up of work that energises you, helping you to avoid burnout.
Here's an exercise to help you understand what energises you:
Write down everything that energises you, thinking about everything: home, hobbies, interests, work and relationships.
Select the 10 that resonate with you the most and reflect on why – note down everything that comes to your mind.
Ask a friend, a family member and a colleague to answer the question, “When have you seen me energised?”. Ask them each to provide 3 - 5 moments.
Compare your own responses with those that you’ve received from your friends, family and colleagues.
Were there any similarities between what you wrote and the responses you received? Do any themes emerge?
These are the things in life that energise you. Hold them close, build them into your day-to-day and ensure any role you apply for in the future encompasses them.