Being busy is not a badge of honour!

Right, I'm calling it! Being busy is not a badge of honour! Being busy doesn’t mean you're important, and it doesn't even mean you're productive. Ouch!? Right!

I want to draw attention to “busyness” before is turns into burn-out.

I've heard these phrases from my busy coaching clients:

  • "I am just so busy"

  • "If I don't do it, no-one will"

  • "I have back to back meetings and no time to actually get the work done in between"

  • "I have financial targets I need to hit and if I don't, vital services can't happen"

Have you said similar?

How “busyness” presents itself to my busy coaching clients:

  • Working 50+ hour weeks

  • Replying to emails around the clock

  • Logging on during annual leave

  • Procrastination

  • Missing deadlines

  • Not managing staff well

  • Feeling under immense pressure

  • Ignoring physical needs (going to the toilet!)

  • Needing to go off sick

Have you experienced any or all of these?

Yes, fundraising and charity work can feel never-ending at times (most of the time), but the energy and well-being of you and colleagues has limits and should be prioritised and protected.

Being busy is not a badge of honour. Let's stop glorifying busy culture.

Coaching can help you to manage your workload and other people expectations.

Book your free 30-minute Compatibility Call today:


Avoid Burn-Out By Understanding What Energises You.


How to be there for others…without trying to fix their problems.