What season of life are you in?

I reframed the way I think about my life a few years ago and it’s had a profoundly positive impact, so I thought I’d share this with you.

It can be helpful to think of the stages of our lives as seasons rather than comparing ourselves to what others are doing at a certain age. This is hard though, as from an early age we’re compared against one another, is your baby rolling yet? How did you do in your exams? When are you going to buy a house, get married, have a child, have another one? Goodness. It’s exhausting.

So, seasons. How does this way of noting the stages of our lives improve fulfilment? By naming the season of life we are in, we take ownership of it, we stop the years flying by without growth, we become grateful for what we have and intentional about what is to come.

I’m calling this stage of life ‘Mama Balance’. Alongside my incredibly supportive husband who is most importantly my parental equal (I know, wild!), we are navigating the season of caring for a young child, rising living costs and developing careers and businesses.

I know this season will come to an end and with it its challenges, but also its joys, so I’m focusing on learning from the challenges, showing gratitude for the many joys and soaking up every moment.

What would you call this season of your life?


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