How to Find a Work-Life-Parenting Balance that Works for you!

How does it work for you? The working-parent juggle.

It goes without saying that working and bringing up a child is hard. Working parents carry responsibility in many parts of their lives. They have to provide care for their children while keeping up with the demands of their work.

I've always worked alongside parents balancing the needs of both home and work and I coach parents trying to do it all, but until I started living it, before it became my reality, I didn't fully get it.

When my husband and I discussed returning to work after taking shared parental leave (more on this coming!), we knew we didn't want to choose a version of working and parenting that worked for others if it wouldn't work for us. We felt the expectation of others that my husband Alex would return to work full-time and as the mother, my career, my business would take a back seat. Why? It just didn't feel right.

So, back in August supported by my coach (because everyone should have a coach!) we did some scenario planning.

  • Scenario 1: Both work full time and Rosa goes to nursery

  • Scenario 2: Alex works full-time, I work part-time and Rosa goes to nursery

  • Scenario 3: We both work part-time and both look after Rosa

We found our balance in scenario 3 and now our weekdays look like this:

Mornings: Alex works, while I look after Rosa
Afternoons: I work, while Alex looks after Rosa

Why am I sharing this? Because I'd love to normalise doing it your way. Finding a solution to whatever logistical life challenges you have, that works for you and yours. We've had to quieten the voices of those who found our way unconventional, and it truly, isn't always easy, particularly on very little sleep and while breastfeeding around the clock. But, it works for our little family and I am proud of us for forging our own path.

If you're returning to work after parental leave or finding the working parent juggle tough, I'd love to support you. Reach out today to discuss how coaching could help you find the solution that works for you!

Book your free 30-minute Compatibility Call with me today:


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