Embracing Change and Continuously Evolving: Our Work-Life-Parenting Journey at 14 Months

Work-life-parenting balance *deep breath* it’s challenging, isn’t it? After taking shared-parental leave and with the help of our wonderful coach, my husband and I found our balance and over the last 9 months or so our weekdays have looked like this:

Mornings: Alex works, while I look after Rosa
Afternoons: I work, while Alex looks after Rosa

As I am sure you can imagine, since having Rosa, I’ve been to my fair share of baby groups. Baby groups which have been, by a vast majority, full of Mums with rarely a Dad in sight. And whenever work-life-parenting balance has come up in conversation (a lot) unfortunately our situation is seen as somewhat of a unicorn scenario. Reactions like “WOW! You’ve found a great balance haven’t you?” and “That sounds SO good, I wish we could do something like that.” Sadly, it seems it is simply not very common for families to have the time, money or support to find a work-life-parenting balance that works for their whole family.

It feels like just yesterday when we were making those tough decisions about our returns to work and finding a rhythm that worked for our family. Now, as our daughter Rosa reaches 14 months, we find ourselves facing new challenges and exciting changes in our work-life-parenting balance. With Rosa growing and developing every day, we must adapt once again to ensure she receives the best care while maintaining our careers and personal fulfilment.

One of the significant changes coming up is Rosa starting at a childminder once a week from September. The prospect of her spending time away from us brings about a mix of emotions - excitement for her to explore the world and learn, but also a tinge (way more than a tinge if I’m honest) of anxiety as we navigate this new chapter. Parenthood is a journey of constant adjustments, just when you think you’ve nailed it, everything changes, am I right?

Seeing my Mama friends return to work with their children heading to nursery reminds me that every family's journey is unique. I've come to appreciate that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to work-life-parenting balance. It’s up to each family to find what aligns with their values, needs, and resources.

Indeed, this next phase has its share of challenges, particularly the financial aspect. Childcare expenses can be daunting, and it's vital we carefully plan and budget to ensure we are making the best choices for our family. We've learned that playing to our strengths, open communication and support from each other are critical during these times of change and uncertainty.

We’ve always been a team, Alex and I, with colleagues, midwives and playgroup facilitators commenting on the fact. However, as we continue to navigate these changes, we've found that having a support system around us is invaluable. Whether it's asking family members for more support or engaging in meaningful conversations with friends who are on similar paths, the power of community and shared experiences is immeasurable.

As Rosa grows and develops her own routines, we are reminded that it's okay to let go of rigid expectations and embrace flexibility. Our work schedules have evolved to accommodate Rosa's needs while still allowing us to focus on our careers. We've found ways to create quality family time by setting boundaries, and prioritising time together as a family, ideally in nature.

So, to all the parents out there facing similar challenges, be gentle with yourselves. Finding the right balance is a process of trial and error. Embrace the changes that come your way, and know that it's okay to adapt and evolve as your and your family's needs change.

As we anticipate the new routines and challenges that come with Rosa starting with a childminder, we hold on to the belief that with love, dedication, and communication, we will navigate this chapter, as a team, always. Our work-life-parenting balance may continue to shift and change, but one thing remains constant - our commitment to giving Rosa the best life possible while nurturing our own passions and purposes.

Remember that you are not alone. Embrace change, seek support, and cherish the precious moments with your little ones as you continue to find the perfect balance that works for your unique family.

If you're returning to work after parental leave or finding the work-life-parenting balance tough, I'd love to support you. Book your free 30-minute Compatibility Call with me today to discuss how coaching could help you find the solution that works for you!


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