Awen Coaching for Charity Professionals

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How to Live a Balanced Life.

Here are some rituals that will help you live a more meaningful, fulfilled life.

1. Mental and Physical Wellbeing

Do one thing in the morning that wakes up your body, such as watering the garden, a short yoga session or a short walk, and one thing that wakes up your mind, such as your favourite podcast or some light reading. You could try the same in the evening to wind down your body and mind for a restful nights sleep.

2. Inspiring Playlist

Make an inspiring playlist, and be sure to strike a good balance between energising songs and songs that allow you to relax, reflect and prepare. Check out my Awen Coaching playlist on Apple Music.

3. Spend Time Outdoors

Make a concerted effort to be present when you’re outdoors. This might mean putting your phone on silent or even turning it off. Look around at things you might usually miss. Look up!

4. Positive Impact

Strive to have a selfless, positive impact on at least one person every day. This might be simply making someone close to you a cup of tea, offering to do something someone else usually does for you or reminding someone how you feel about them.

5. Time-out

If you’re an avid social media poster, put your phone on aeroplane mode, in a different room, in your bag or somewhere other than your pocket. Set your apps that promote time-outs? Enjoy experiences for you, not the feed

6. Mix-up your routine

Swap in fun activities to your weekdays, so you’re not always living for the weekend. Reconnect with friends you haven’t spent time within a while over dinner or a drink, or enjoying some shopping after work.