How to Establish a Positive ‘Work Mode’ After Your Summer Holiday

Returning to work after a summer holiday can feel like a daunting task. The relaxed days of sun, sea, and sand are suddenly replaced with deadlines, meetings, and to-do lists. You might feel sluggish, overwhelmed, or even a bit lost. Here are some tips to help you transition smoothly back into work mode and start the post-holiday period on a positive note.

  1. Create a morning routine.
    Establishing a consistent morning routine can set a positive tone for your day. Consider getting up at the same time each day, making your bed, enjoying a healthy breakfast, reading a few pages of a book, or sipping on your favourite coffee. Find what works for you and stick with it to start each day feeling prepared and energised.

  2. Take it slow.
    Don't dive straight into back-to-back meetings on your first day back. Instead, block out some time in your calendar to catch up on emails and plan your tasks for the week, month, or even the year. Giving yourself this space can help you ease back into your workload without feeling overwhelmed.

  3. Prioritise your to-do list.
    You don’t need to accomplish everything on your first day back. Start with tasks you enjoy or those that are quick to complete. This approach helps you ease into more challenging tasks while still providing a sense of achievement and momentum.

  4. Take regular breaks!
    Jumping back into work after a break is a significant shift for both your mind and body. Ensure you take regular breaks to avoid burnout and maintain productivity. These pauses allow you to refresh and reset, making it easier to sustain a positive work mode throughout the day.

  5. Plan for Support
    Think about what support you might need to thrive this year. Is there a book you've been wanting to read, a course you'd like to take, or a coach you've been considering? Investing time at the start of the year to set these plans in motion can significantly impact your growth and success. Remember, it all starts with you.

  6. Seek Professional Coaching

    If you're looking to grow in your career and create balance in your life, professional coaching can be incredibly beneficial. As someone who helps purpose-driven professionals achieve their goals, I can provide the guidance and support you need to thrive. See how coaching can help you below.

Returning to work after time off doesn't have to be a struggle. By establishing a positive routine, taking things slow, prioritising your tasks, taking regular breaks, and planning for support, you can ease back into work mode and set the stage for a successful and fulfilling year.

Bethany, Charity Facilitator facilitating an online workshop.

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Tips on Preparing for Time Off Work