The Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Action Plan That Actually Works

As a coach, I work with purpose-driven professionals who are passionate about making a difference in the world. My clients often work in the charity sector, in roles such as fundraisers, CEOs, leaders, and founders. One of the key challenges my clients face is staying accountable for their actions and achieving their goals when faced with high workloads and competing priorities. That's where an action plan comes in.

An action plan is a step-by-step guide that outlines the specific actions you need to take to achieve a particular goal. It's an incredibly useful tool for my coaching clients because it provides them with a clear roadmap to follow, making it easier to stay on track and remain accountable.

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating an action plan that actually works:

Step 1: Define your goal
The first step in creating an action plan is to define your goal. It's important to be specific about what you want to achieve. For example, instead of saying "I want to increase my fundraising income", you might say "I want to raise £50k for a new community centre in the next six months".

Step 2: Break your goal down into focus areas
Once you have a clear goal in mind, it's time to break it down into focus areas. This will make it easier to tackle the overall goal and give you a sense of progress along the way. For example, if your goal is to raise £50k you might break it down by income stream, such as “Philanthropy”, “Grants”, “Digital Campaigns”, ‘Community Fundraising” and “Corporate Support”.

Step 3: Create action points
Now, within each focus area, month by month or week by week create action points, ensuring they are realistic and achievable. For example, under the focus area of “Philanthropy,” your first action point could be "research and identify potential donors".

Step 4: Assign deadlines
Assigning deadlines to each action point is essential to ensure that you stay on track and make progress toward your goal. Be realistic about how much time you need to complete each step and set a deadline accordingly. If you need to, be kind to yourself and delegate or reassess your deadlines as you go.

Step 5: Determine the resources needed
To make progress toward your goal, you'll likely need certain resources, such as time, money, and tools. Determine what resources you need to complete each step of your action plan. For example, if your goal is to launch a fundraising campaign, you may need to secure a budget, hire a graphic designer, and create a social media plan.

Step 6: Identify potential obstacles
Identifying potential obstacles can help you prepare for them and stay on track even when things don't go as planned. Think about what could potentially prevent you from achieving your goal and workshop solutions. For example, if you anticipate difficulty securing donors for your fundraising campaign, you might consider hosting a fundraising event to generate more interest.

Step 7: Take action and track progress
Once you have your action plan in place, it's time to take action! Begin with the first action point and work your way through the plan. It's essential to track your progress, some nice checkboxes work well for this, and be sure to make adjustments as necessary. This will help you stay on track and make sure you're making progress toward your overall goal.

Step 8: Celebrate your successes
It's important to celebrate your successes along the way. Take time to acknowledge and celebrate each milestone you reach, no matter how small it may seem. Celebrating your successes will help you stay energised and motivated.

In conclusion, creating an action plan is an effective tool for purpose-driven professionals in the charity sector who want to achieve their goals and stay accountable. By following these 8 simple steps, you can create an action plan that will help you stay focused, motivated, and on track to achieving your goals.

Remember, the key is to be specific, break down your goal into focus areas, create action points, assign deadlines, determine resources needed, identify potential obstacles, take action, track progress, and celebrate your successes along the way. With a clear action plan in place, you'll be well on your way to achieving your goals and making a positive impact in the world.

I’d be happy to share the Action Plan template I use with my clients, if you’d like a copy pop me an email:

Click the link below to book a 30-minute video call with me to discuss how coaching with me could help you create an Action Plan that actually works!


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