Awen Coaching for Charity Professionals

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Sundays are for Rest: 7 Things to do This Sunday

Awen Coaching has got you covered for all your Sunday activity needs!

  1. Rest

    Have a lie-in. Whether it’s 30 mins extra or 3 hours, allow yourself time to rest. If you have to be up early, schedule an afternoon nap instead.

  2. Read

    Not everyone enjoys reading books in their free time, so buy a newspaper or magazine, or read your favourite blogs online. If you want to stay away from bad news, check out The Happy Newspaper by Emily Coxhead.

  3. Treat yourself

    Buy a posh coffee, do some online shopping or eat your favourite snacks - life is a balance of work and play!

  4. Enjoy nature

    Get outside and enjoy green spaces. Nature is so important for our well-being. Sit out in the garden, go for a walk in a local park, visit a National Trust property.

  5. Call someone

    Whether it’s on the phone or on a video call, pencil in time to talk to your family, a close friend, or someone you haven’t seen in a while.

  6. Be creative

    Whatever your favourite hobby is, the last year has us all feeling a bit lethargic. When it comes to hobbies, remember how you usually feel towards doing them, as opposed to how your tired brain feels. You’ll feel great afterwards.

  7. Grow something

    Whether you have a garden or not, growing plants, flowers and produce is so rewarding. It enables us to slow down, spend time away from technology, nurture something and practice patience. There is no instant gratification and that’s a good thing!